Saturday, January 20, 2018

Queen of Light

I don’t know how long it took Rhysand to explain everything to us. Our conversation started around mid-day, and ended when the sun set. Aelin, Rowan, and I gave Rhysand and his court rooms to stay in below deck. When everyone was accommodated, I went onto the deck of the ship, and looked out at the sunset.

The sky was a mix of colors: pinkish-red, light purple, yellow, gold, and orange. The clouds streaked across the sky, looking like colorful strips of cotton candy. The water was beautiful; its surface was gold, causing the water beneath to seem black. It was gorgeous.

I looked up at the sky, and closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath. I brought my head back down, and looked out at the horizon. The water, and the wind -- flowing gracefully past me -- seemed to call me to them.

Without no one able to reprimand me, I shot up into the sky and flew straight towards the setting sun. The roaring of the waves and the howling of the wind were moving with me as I flew. And flew. And flew. Flew until the ship was gone, and all I could see was the stretching, vast sea.

I dove down towards the water; it twinkled as I flew over it, close enough to see my reflection. I dipped my hand into the water, creating a long ripple on the surface of it. The water was cool, soothing me. Out of nowhere, a dolphin jumped up from the water beneath me, splashing me with water. I shrieked in surprise. The dolphin jumped up from the water again, and this time, it spoke to me. Hi Aiyana! It went back underwater. I could see it swimming beneath me.

Hi sweety. How are you? I spoke to it.

I am fine, thanks. And you?

I am fine, thank you for asking, I answered. When the dolphin jumped up again, I pet its head, and it almost seemed as if it purred in response. Goodbye, darling. What is your name?

I don’t have one, it sadly told me. It went back underwater.

I am going to name you Rayen, which means blossom. I am going to give you the power to shift into any animal you would like. You will also be able to speak to me and other people, and will be able to understand what people are saying, even if they aren’t speaking to you. I am going to put a little blossom on your forehead, so I will know who you are. Do you have a family?

I do not. I just swim wherever the waves of the sea bring me. Rayen was still swimming underwater, beneath me.

Would it be okay with you if I were to make you my pet? I will bind you to me, and you will be invincible. I will treat you with loving care, and will be kind to you. I would never harm you, and I would never tell you to not do something, unless that something is dangerous. I will treat you right. I promise. 

I would love that! she exclaimed. I smiled. I closed my eyes, and formed a bond between us. I repeated the words I had just told her; after I promise, I felt something in my chest tighten. There was a type of weight there. I unbuttoned the first two buttons of my shirt, and saw that on my chest was a blossom, like the one Rayen had.

It’s done, I said. Try and shapeshift; try and change into another animal.

Okay, Rayen worriedly sad.

It will be fine, trust me. There was a flash of light from the water beneath me. A beautiful hawk -- as white as snow -- with crystal blue eyes appeared at my side. On its forehead, a small blossom shimmered in the light. Rayen.

“Rayen?” She was beautiful.

She cawed. “It’s me! It’s me!” She started twirling in the air, full of joy. When she was done, she flew up near my face, and touched her cheek against mine.  “Thank you,” she murmured.

“You’re welcome, Rayen -- beautiful blossom.” I grinned. She smiled at me too.

“I’m free!” she yelled, and swooped up into the sky. I followed her. I stopped in the air, my wings beating behind me. I looked out at the sea. Rayen came up from behind me, and perched on my shoulder. “What is it?” She cocked her head in my direction.

“It’s so beautiful,” I breathed.

She turned her head, and looked out at the sea. She did not speak.

I stayed there -- in the air, looking at the horizon -- for hours, until the sun set, and the sky became dark. Until it was filled with shimmering and twinkling stars, Rayen quietly perched on my shoulder. Until the sun started to rise.

By Alexa Gantt

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