Sunday, January 28, 2018

Entry 4 - Dear Hailey

May 4th, 2054

Dear Hailey,

Another day has passed on the bus. We're still not sure where they are taking us. I didn't really get a chance to describe the buses but because basically nothing exciting happened on the bus I'll tell you what they look like.
The buses have only about 3 windows. There is one in the front - the windshield- one in the back on the doors, and one on the ceiling. The one on the ceiling is pretty tiny. The seats are only wooden benches. There are no seatbelts or backs to the benches. It seems as though this truck was for carrying objects and not humans before someone added the benches. We all have barely enough room in front of us to put our stuff.
We finally stopped yesterday to use a rest stop when the truck was almost out of gas. When I had looked at the high way I could at least see another ten black trucks just like ours driving past the rest stop.
It's scary Hailey to be so far away from home. I'm still not sure that if they let you go you could find us. Mom has been crying all day because of that.
Andrew just sits on the side playing with his toys. Dad is trying to support mom as best as he can but its hard.
I know I always say this Hailey but I wish you were here.

Hope Fonial

By Marizo Bheh

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