Saturday, January 6, 2018

Secret of the White Eye - Ch. 1

Hey, peeps! This is a bit of my old writing! I have writer's block... hopefully it will go away, but until it does you will be reading a lot of my old writing.

Chapter 1
 “White Room citizen's, report to the White Room” the speaker crackled. I got up from my desk, the chair scraping the floor. All of the class stared at me. 38 eyes coming from 19 separate desks. The teacher didn’t even look at me. I walked out of the classroom into the hallway as white as snow. Not that I had ever seen any. After a couple of what seemed of thousands of hours later, I finally got to the door.
I dreaded this. I had thousands of nightmares about this. Walking through this door again. I lowered my dark glasses and looked at the sensor that was positioned next to the door. The door unlocked and I walked in.
“ There’s my star!” a man exclaimed.
I closed the door and then sat at one of the chairs set against the wall.
“ Get a life mad scientist,” I shot at him.
“How many times have I told you, my name is Bruno,” Bruno said. Just then the door opened, saving Bruno, not me. A girl strode in. Lily. She immediately stuck her tongue at Bruno and then sat next to me.
“ You ready?” Lily asked.
“ No. But I guess we have to do it,¨ I answered. Once a month the government took blood from us. Because we had white eyes.
The door opened again. Two boys came in. They both punched Bruno and said some colorful words about him. I snickered. One of the boys, Albert, came and sat next to Lily. Their skin was the color of chocolate. With one look you could tell that they were twins. The other boy, Marco, continued taunting Bruno. Finally, Bruno told him to sit down. Marco looked disappointed that his taunting couldn't have gone on longer.
His pale skin matched mine. We were twins. We both had a curved nose. Our smile made teachers want to put us in the corner because it was so mischievous. And we had white eyes. His dark hair was cropped short while mine was long. Yup, we were definitely twins.
Bruno started walking around the room. He disappeared to the back of the room for a couple minutes. We all tensed knowing what was going to happen. Our dreams told us so. Marco grabbed my hand.
¨ It´s going to be different this time you know right?¨ Marco warned. He always looked out for me. Even if I was born 5 seconds before him.
“ Yeah,¨ I answered. Bruno came back. He was holding a tray with 4 syringes. I closed my eyes, I didn't want to see this.  Marco grunted and squeezed my hand really hard. A tear ran down my cheek. I could feel his pain and discomfort, all at once, I squeezed his hand and took all the pain away. Just when I thought I would collapse it stopped. Though the pain was still inside me. I needed another person to take it. I shook Marco’s hand off. When Bronco was cleaning the place on my skin where the needle would go he touched me. I willed all of the pain to go inside of him. He deserved it. I opened my eyes and saw that his face had paled. Marco was grinning. 
“ Rosaline,” Bruno said,” Was that you?”
“ Can’t we just get on with this?” I said, with a sarcastic note in my voice.  I knew that I was treading on thin ice but I wanted to see what was going to happen. 
Bruno is thinking about taking double the blood from you, Marco said in my mind. He could hear what people thought and talk to them through their minds. Also, manipulate them. 
Why don’t you give him the idea to get on with it, I thought. 
Fine, came the answer. Immediately Bruno continued cleaning the spot on my skin and he picked up one of the empty syringes. I braced myself for the pain that was going to come. I closed my eyes. Marco knew better than to hold my hand. Then all the pain would go to him. I closed my eyes. Bruno put the needle in my arm. The pain was 100 times worse than what anybody else would have felt. Because of my white eyes.  
Tears started streaming down my face. I heard Bruno chuckle. He was the only one enjoying this. I started thinking of every bad word I knew and called Bruno that in my head. He was purely evil. Finally, the needle was pulled out of my arm. I didn’t dare open my eyes because then I would see Bruno’s face. 
He stopped looking at you, Marco told me. I opened my eyes and Lily immediately turned to me. She took my arm and put her hand over it. My arm stopped hurting. Her powers of healing were extraordinary. Albert was sitting next to Lily making water float to him. He through the water in the air making it freeze. He threw the ice at Bruno, making Bruno jump. Bruno scowled and came over with a fake smile on his face.
“ Your turn Lily,” Bruno said coldly. Fear washed over Lily’s face. I touched Marco on his hand.
Yeah, Marco said in my head. 
I need you to get Bruno to point to where he is going to put the needle.  Then tell Lily I’m going to numb that part of her skin. Got it? I commanded, Oh. Don’t forget to make Bruno turn around after he points out where he is going to put the needle.
Yes, ma'am Marco teased. 
“ Lily I’m going to put the needle right here,” Bruno said. Then, he turned around. Lily quickly gave me her arm. I took her arm and willed all of her feelings into me. Then I gave her some strength because not having feeling makes you get tired easier. I was done just as Bruno turned around. I closed my eyes not wanting to see the process with my own eyes. I gripped one of her shoulders. Immediately the pain started. But not as much as my pain was when Bruno took blood from me. I took all of Lily’s pain. When Bruno was done I tapped the floor sending waves of pain to the rest of the building underneath us. 
Next, it was Albert’s turn but I wouldn’t be worried about him. He was icing the spot on his arm the whole time we were here.
After Albert was done, they took us to a room. The room had 4 chairs and that was it. The walls were white and the floor was white tile. I felt mad that first, they take blood from us and then they lock us in a room. Frustrated I sat down in a chair. 
My vision started going white. I was going to have a future-flash. I braced myself and sat back in the chair. It might be something good. My vision went completely white. It matched the color of my eyes. Then black. 
“Bruno bring me the vials,” a lady said. Her black hair was pulled into a black ponytail. Her gray eyes were intense. 
“You got it Aislyn,” Bruno answered bringing 4 vials over.  Aislyn took the vials and set them on a table. 
“I wonder if we'll figure out what makes this trait this time,” Aislyn pondered. 
“We might but isn’t it time to go and get more?” Bruno asked.
“Yes, and this time get double,”  Aislyn had just decided our fate.  
I opened my eyes to find Lily’s hand over my face. 
“Lily, I’m alive!” I stated. 
“Whew,” Lily said, relief spreading across her face. She sat down on the chair next to me. 
“Lily, I have something to tell you. Marco, Albert, come here and sit down on a chair. Marco and Albert sat down on the floor in front of me. I scowled but didn't say anything. 
¨Guys, I just had a future flash,¨  Lily gasped. Marco looked concerned. Albert took some ice out of his pocket and started playing with it. 
¨Bruno is coming back for double, the blood. Do you-¨ Marco cut me off. 
Why don't we talk to each other through our heads? They might have cameras, Marco suggested. 
Well, that works for you but not for me or Lily or Albert, I pointed out. 
Actually, we can use any power we want, though it will be harder if we didn't start out with that power,  Marco explained. I quickly went into Lily´s and Albert´s mind and told them what Marco had said. 
If they figure out what makes us how we are, they could destroy us and make new people exactly like us, Lily summarized. 
That means that we have to stop them, I said, Or we will be dead. 

By Marizo Bheh

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