Saturday, November 11, 2017

Will I Be Saved?


Full-on humanity, and what came with it, was the start of the world and will be until it is destroyed. Little did the creatures, which called themselves “Martians”, know that the enemy that they had always feared would be haunting them not only in their dreams, but now… in reality.  Or could their fear be closer than they thought?

“Who knows,” Martians would always say. “We all know one thing, though: our enemy is too far away to hurt us, or even know we existed.” Yes, that is a true fact. But it is one that cannot be considered “true”. On the other hand, it is “false” in a way that the Martians could never imagine.

Their enemies are coming to find them; and when they will, they will not give up what they are fighting for, and neither will the Martians.

Yes, it is about to happen  - could I be saved?             

Chapter 1

It was two in the afternoon, and I was getting ready to leave my home planet: Mars. I am traveling to Earth, where there are deep blue oceans full of mysteries, and jungles full of tigers and other beautiful wild cats that I have never seen before. My first grade Martian teacher told me that no Martian has ever traveled to Earth, especially by themselves.

Today, I will be the first, and I will not back down. I am extremely terrified; I can’t stand leaving my planet and family, especially when they don’t know that I am leaving. I am trying to save my planet: something terrible has happened, and nobody knows why. Martian scientists think that Earth people have hacked into our computers, and are trying to destroy our world.

I opened my bedroom window, and climbed out, my long, brown hair trailing behind me. There is one issue when traveling to Earth: Earth people will be able to know that I am a Martian, based on my appearance. Martians all have dark, golden-skin and a mixture of gold and red eyes. Martians are all skinny, while Earth people vary in sizes. Knowing the danger I was going to get into, I started walking, and never looked back.  
I am not going to give up, I thought to myself as I walked to the airport. When I finally arrived, it loomed up and above me, every window full of people on computers, who looked extremely busy. I strided towards the gate that opens up to the runway.

Quickly and quietly, I opened the gate. I slipped inside, and ran across the runaway, looking for a Shark Jet. These were miniature versions of spaceships that were the size of a small car. They were amazing - they could fly in space at extreme speeds and could transport Martians to any other planet they wished to travel to.
“Hey you!” someone called from behind me. I whipped my head around, my hair covering my eyes. Even though I could not see who it was, I started to sprint across the runway straight towards a Shark Jet.
“Come back here, you girl! You are not allowed here! COME BACK!” the Martian yelled.
This was a warning to me: I had to run faster. With all my might, I charged straight to a jet. When I was close to it, I leaped just far enough to try and open the jet’s door. Rushing, I was not paying attention to what my hands were doing, and I cut my finger on a piece of metal that was sticking out of the door.
“C’mon, you can do this. C’mon,” I whispered. I was thrashing the door back and forth, but it wouldn’t budge. I looked back, and the man was gone. Gone. Where could he be? A dark figure jumped over the jet, landing right behind me.
“Looking for this, missy?” the martian asked. I turned around, extremely slowly, and looked the martian in the eyes. It was a man, who had red eyes, black hair, seemed to be twenty- five years old, and held the key to the jet.
“Darn it,” I whispered.
“I thought so. Well, I might as well just leave,” he said as he turned around on his right heel and started walking back towards the airport.
“No!” I yelled. At full speed, I ran towards him, and got him right in the back. He fell onto the ground. The key slipped out of his hand and skidded a few feet away from me on the runway. This is my chance. I ran towards the key, but something grabbed my foot. I fell straight to the ground, and slid across the runway.
“Let go of me!” I screamed, thrashing my leg sideways, up, and down. The man dropped me on the ground. I gasped - I couldn’t breathe. The air got pushed out of my lungs. Panting, I rose to my feet.  “You jerk. Give me the key, right now,” I snapped at him. He smiled.
“No, no, no. I definitely will not. As a matter of fact,” he threw the key across the runway, “you can try and catch it now. But you have to go through me first.”
I slowly got onto my feet, knowing that I had to get that key no matter what. I can kick this jerk’s butt all right. At full speed, I sprinted towards him, ready to fight. He was too fast. He moved to the left, getting out of the way of my first blow. I stopped, and felt a piercing pain in the small of my back. I fell to the ground, paralyzed, groaning in pain. He leaned over me and smiled. Gathering my strength, I lashed my arm out and elbowed him in the face.
“Ow! Curse that girl,” he angrily whispered.
I staggered to my feet, regaining my balance. He was still in the same position after I elbowed him. I knew that this was going to be my chance, since I caught him off guard. I ran towards him, punched him hard in the face, and he fell to the ground.
I carefully stepped around him, and walked towards the key. I was extremely close, when again, he grabbed me from behind and pulled me into the air, my feet dangling.
“Where do you think you are going?” he angrily asked me.
“Anywhere that is away from you,” I stated. I lifted by elbow up again, and hit him straight in the face. That ought to do it. He dropped me and staggered backwards.
“Curse you!” he spat at me, covering his face. I ignored him, and ran straight to the key and picked it up. I turned around, looking for my jet, when I saw other Martians running towards me. Run, Alicia! Run! The voices in my head screamed at me.
“Shoot,” I whispered as I sprinted towards the shark jet. I arrived at one, and tried to put the key into the hole. They were getting closer.
“C’mon you darn key! Get in the hole!” I yelled. Finally, the door unlocked, but a Martian had grabbed my arm. Before she could even realize it, I had punched her in the gut, causing her to double over and fall on the ground. I jumped into the jet’s driver seat, closed the door, locked it, and turned the ignition on. When I looked out the window, about thirty Martians were rushing towards me. Now it’s time to go. Go! I yelled at myself. I took the controller, lifted it up, and with a jolt, the jet moved forward at a blasting speed.
Hold on, Alicia. You can do this, I told myself. After a couple of minutes, everything went dark, and I fell into a deep sleep, not knowing if I was ever going to wake up again. The only thing that was echoing in my head was what the Martian man I had fought yelled after me, “You will pay for what you are going to do! I will MAKE SURE OF IT!”. I could see his devilish grin in the back of my eyes and his red eyes full of anger as he looked up at the rocket as I left.  

For the first time in my life, I felt a hollow feeling in my stomach, like something I was doing was extremely wrong.

By Alexa Gantt

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