Saturday, January 20, 2018

Entry 2 - Dear Hailey

May 2nd

Dear Hailey,

Mom doesn't have the virus. She just has the flu. It was a bit of a relief when we realized that. She's been sneezing all day which is, of course, driving us all crazy. Dad took me and Andrew to the park today. It's a short walk from our apartment. Had it been last year I would have gone alone. But there are new rules now. If you are under the age of 18, unless it's an emergency, you cannot be walking alone in New York. I think the police are just worried that some rebellious teens might rob some of the shops that are closed.
The streets are pretty empty. The homeless were the first to get the virus so there aren't a lot of them left. The government took them.
We stopped by Natalie's apartment on the way back. There were police officers inside and paramedics. The scene looked exactly like when you got the virus Hailey. Natalie was crying hysterically on the couch as the paramedics were carrying her dad out of the door. The police officer was sitting across from Natalie. I had gone up to Natalie and asked her what was happening. Dad and Andrew stayed by the door.
Natalie told me that her dad got the virus, which I had already kind of figured out. She then told me that since her dad was her only legal guardian she was going to have to go to foster care. She was practically begging me to have my parents take her in but when I looked at Dad he shook his head. I was mad at dad. My best friend is probably going to get thrown around the city from home to home and I can't do anything.
Oh, Hailey, I wish you were here. You always know how to make a situation seem brighter.

Hope Fonial

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