Monday, January 22, 2018

Entry 3 - Dear Hailey

May 3rd, 2054

Dear Hailey,

So far Hailey, this just seems like a big vacation from school. Except for the day they took you. That day still seems like a nightmare to me.
But today was like a nightmare too. They forced us to evacuate. Anybody that doesn't have the virus and that isn't sick has to leave the city. It'll be strange to leave New York. Right now I'm writing in the truck now.
The soldiers appeared at the door at about 11 AM. I went to go get it. Dad was right behind me. Standing at the door had been two soldiers dressed in the camouflage type green uniforms that soldiers wear. They told us that we had 20 minutes to get our stuff and then we had to report to the lobby of the building. Then they left. Didn't even let us ask any questions.
Mom was devastated but Dad made her pack her bags.
I got out my bookbag for school and the suitcase that I had bought in 6th grade when we were going to go visit Aunt Margaret. I packed clothes mostly. I also brought my computer, a couple of good books, my sketchbook, pencils, and some of your clothes. Who knows Hailey we might meet you where ever they are taking us.
Andrew is treating this like an adventure. He wanted to bring all of his action figures and no clothes. I gave him my bookbag to fill with his toys and made him promise me that he would fill his suitcase with as many clothes as he can.
The four of us got downstairs pretty fast considering we just packed away our lives inside only a couple of suitcases. All of our neighbors were downstairs too. Big military trucks were waiting for us outside. The soldiers ushered us on them, telling us that we could only take what we could carry. And that brings me up to now. We have been driving for hours and my back aches. I also need to pee and I'm pretty sure that both Dad and Andrew did their business in a bottle. It's dark now.
I never had thought that we were going to be evacuated though.

Hope Fonial

By Marizo Bheh

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