Monday, January 15, 2018

Entry 1 - Dear Hailey

May 1st, 2054

Dear Diary,

I feel really stupid writing in here. Dad said if I wrote down what happened each day maybe then I would feel better. I'm not sure if that will work but I might as well try it. That doesn't mean that I still don't feel stupid doing this. Oh well. 
Mom started coughing today. She kept on saying that she was fine but then she collapsed. Dad is really worried. He thinks Mom has the virus. I'm scared for Mom. I don't know what we would do without her. It's already bad enough that Hailey got the virus. I don't want Mom to have to leave too. 
Mom keeps on telling me that Hailey is going to come back but I don't think so. A lot of people's family members have been taken away by the government because they have the virus. And none of them have come back home. I won't let Mom be taken away though. I might only be 14 and maybe I'm a bit short but I won't let her be taken away.
School was canceled. They called us yesterday. Too many kids were sick. Some of my friends have gotten sick. My friends (that have not gotten sick yet) text me day and night and I think it's mostly because we are all so bored. The only channels available are the news channels with it being a state of emergency all over the country. 
Well, I guess that's it for today diary. I feel so stupid writing this. No offense to was meant diary. Maybe next time instead of saying 'dear diary' I'll say 'dear Hailey' so I can pretend I'm writing letters to her. Maybe then I'll feel less stupid writing this. 

Hope Fonial

By Marizo Bheh

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