Sunday, November 12, 2017

The Masked Murders Ch. 1

Matt looked at the girl of his dreams. He took her into his arms. And placed a knife against her neck. She yelped.
Matt laughed.
“Sorry, Stephanie. I knew what you did. I know,” he confessed. Stephanie struggled even more. He pressed the blade deeper into her skin. Blood ran down her neck.
“You have such a pretty face Steph.” Indeed she did have a very pretty face. Her nose was a little pinched at the end and was medium sized. She had big wide brown eyes. Her hair though was the prettiest. It was a fiery red that glittered specks of gold in the light. She was a bit plump but it only made her look more cheerful. Her beautiful blue dress was ripped in several places though. She whimpered.
“Please, Mathias. I didn’t do anything,” she pleaded. Matt only sneered.
“Aw, Steph look at you. You finally found your manners. Funny you never had any for me until now.”
“Mattias what happened to you.”
“Life happened to me. You made me realize what the world actually was,” he whispered in Stephanie’s ear. Matt looked awful, unlike Stephanie. He had been wearing the same clothes for three days now and hadn’t taken a shower in a week. His dark hair was disheveled. Matt’s amber eyes were watching everything in the dark alley.
“Shut up Stephanie. Shut up or you are dead.”
“Matt what the he-” Stephanie never spoke again. When the cops found her dead body the next day there was a beautiful Venetian mask covering her face. A golden one with black feathers.

By Marizo Bheh 

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