Monday, November 13, 2017

Masked Murders Ch. 2

There was this weird man that had just moved down the street from Drew’s house. Drew had often caught herself wondering what just happened in that house. A man named Matt Tias lived there. He spoke with a strange British accent. Matt didn’t have a wife and yet he owned such a big house.
Drew had invited him over to dinner once and her and her husband, Brandon, had agreed that he was an odd man. In fact, her husband had told her to stay away from him. And so today as she drove past his house she just maybe pressed her nose against the car window and slowed down a bit to try and get a good look at his house.
She was very surprised when Matt Tias tapped the window on the passenger side of the car. God, she hadn’t noticed that she had stopped the car.
“You are very nicely dressed,” Matt noted. Drew looked at herself. She was wearing a yellow dress and a pair of white high heels. She had even pulled back her brown hair into an intricate bun.
“Well I’m going for a job interview so I did dress nicely,” she explained. “I see you are dressed nicely too.” Matt was wearing a gorgeous black tuxedo.
“Yes,” he confirmed. “Which is why you are going to be my partner tonight.”
“Pardon?” Drew thought she hadn’t heard him right.
“Open the door,” he commanded a sneer spreading across his lips. Matt pulled out a gun out of the briefcase he was carrying. “Open it.”
“Uh…” Drew quickly unlocked the door fearing for her life. Matt opened it and sat inside pointing the gun at her. Only then did Drew notice how his hair was disheveled and his breath smelled like alcohol.
“Drive. Follow the rules of the road and I’ll give you directions. Try to signal anybody for help you will die. Don’t listen to me, you will die. One wrong move you die. Are we clear?” He asked.
“Yes,” Drew meekly responded. She pressed down on the gas. Drew started to register what was happening. I’m going to die. I hope Brandon knows I love him. Tears started rolling down her cheeks.
“Don’t cry, it makes you very noticeable and will ruin your makeup,” Matt ordered. Drew quickly wiped away her tears and tried to keep her emotions in check. She looked towards Matt’s cold amber eyes and realized they looked familiar. They were exactly like her own.
“Yes Drew?” he responded feigning boredom.  Several things ran through Drew’s head at the moment. Matt Tias. Mathias. Oh God, this man was her brother that had run away when she was 17. Her brother. But why was he speaking with an accent?
“Mathias why are you doing this?” she asked him trying to keep the tears from her eyes. She had thought him dead.
“Oh goody Drew, you finally recognized you brother.” Matt grinned. “Do save all of that sentimental crap now. You were happy to think me dead. Just like everybody else.”
“Don’t say that. I loved you.”
“Oh, come on now.” His British accent faded away. Drew realized he had been faking the accent the whole entire time. He prodded her with his gun.
“Mathias, please. Why are you playing games?” They had driven about two miles by now. With the amount of time that had passed she would have been at her interview by now. Which would mean that ordinarily, she would be calling Brandon at about now. If she just kept her brother talking a bit more Brandon would realize that something was wrong and call her. And if she didn’t respond to that he would check her location on the Find my iPhone app. Some people might call that a bit weird but it had kept them safe over the years.
“Did you kill Stephanie too?” she asked allowing sadness to fall into her words. Stephanie had been her neighbor and her best friend growing up. When Drew found out that she had been killed she had cried for days. Stephanie was one of the victims of the masked murders. If he had killed her that would mean he would have killed even more people. They must all be connected somehow. Maybe they all did something nasty to him. Stephanie had been his lover and dumped him after she got bored with him. Drew had been a nasty child and had never been nice to Mathias. But that never meant she did not love him.
“My, my. Look who has gotten smart,” Mathias mocked. “Well yes, of course, I did. Who else do you think would kill that idiot. Can you believe she even pleaded with me for her life?”
Drew looked over at her brother and filled with horror at the site. He was happy that he had killed Stephanie and even found delight in it.
“You killed all of those poor people. The murder victims that were found with the mask over their faces.”
“Take this exit,” Mathias instructed pointing over to an exit on the highway. When had they even gotten on the highway? Her phone started buzzing.
“Oh, know who may this be?” Mathias asked picking up her phone from where it was in the cupholder. He sneered.
“It’s Brandon.” Drew held back a sob. Her plan had backfired.
“Oh yes. Your husband.”
“Please don’t hurt him,” Drew pleaded.
“I wouldn’t dream of it. Or would I?”
“You sound so much like dear old Stephanie when she was pleading for her life,” Mathias maliciously said madness sparkling throughout his eyes. Drew sobbed in despair. He isn’t just going to kill me. He’s also going to kill the one I love. And even more people. But Drew would not let him get away with that. Her phone stopped ringing. They were coming up to a bridge. I love you, Brandon. I hope you know that.
Drew would allow her brother to kill herself. But not the one who she loved. Drew drove onto the bridge. I love you. I love you. Tears ran down her face. She jerked the wheel to the right and drove through the barrier at the edge of the bridge and into the rushing river underneath.

The police found her corpse on the beach with a beautiful Venetian mask covering her face. It was gold with black feathers. They scoured the beach and river for Mathias but there was no trace of Mathias. He had gotten away.  

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