Sunday, May 13, 2018

Poems -- 5/13

Hey everybody! This is Alexa. Happy Mother's Day! I am so sorry that I have not posted in such a long time. Today I will be posting some poems that I have written throughout the weeks:

The Soil
The soil is rich
with seeds
all waiting to grow into trees
or flowers
or weeds.

Some seeds die;
they don’t get to see the sun shine
or the green grass
or their brothers and sisters grow tall
and strong.

Some seeds survive;
but these aren’t kind.
they choke the soil
the plants around them
and bother the people
that have to deal with them.

Other seeds that survive are kind:
their beauty shines
brighter than any star;
their kindness
never leaving a scar;
the good in them
than any other seed
on the planet.
These are the people
the world should have.
not the weeds
not the vines
not the poison ivy.

Only the trees --
our leaders.

Only the flowers --
our beauty.

Only the bushes --
our defense
against evil.

Only the dandelions --
our hope.

The world
needs these seeds
these flowers
and these trees.

The world
will become
than any star;
gentle and kind
never leaving a scar;
good and nice
with millions of seeds
all working together
in harmony and peace.

I was a
You had told me so.

You made me
till I was scorched.

You told me no one

You were a
living in the
of corners.

I had not
you coming.

I had not
myself for what was to come.

You had

You had

But I was too

I had

back was still a


Your Face

Your face
is scarred
but still beautiful.

My face
is pure
but the ugliest in the world.

Your back
is straight
but has many deformities.

My back
is curved
but is perfect.

Your shoulders
are held back
but are too weak to hold the weights of your life.

My shoulders
are rolled forwards
but can support the pressure that is put onto me.

Your mouth
is dirty
but the nicest.

My mouth
is clean
but the meanest.

Your eyes
are daggers
but can shine like the sun.

My eyes
are flowers
but can be as dark as shadow.

Your ears
are plugs
but can hear everyone’s conversations.

My ears
are open holes
but can’t hear a word anyone is saying.

Your hair
is short
but clean.

My hair
is long
but disgusting.

Your skin
is pale
but shines.

My skin
is bronze
but swallows the light.

Your cheekbones
are sharp
but you are so kind.

My ckeekbones
are round
but I am such a jerk.

Your hair
is fire
but you are water.

My hair
is bright
but I am darkness.

are the rainbow.

am the thunderstorm.

Written by Alexa Gantt

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