Saturday, December 9, 2017

Metallic Chapter 2

I looked around the dark alley carefully. One could never be too cautious in New Boston. Things could get ugly very quickly. That was why this morning I had chosen plain gray baggy clothes so I could blend in with the crowd. I heard a shuffle behind me and quickly turned around, placing my hands on my concealed weapons.
A little girl around 8 or 9 was walking towards me, her hands begging for money.
“Please miss,” she said. I lurched forward and clasped her arm, balking at how skinny it was. Her face was covered in ash and mud, but her clothes were barely dirty. I pulled her with me down the alley. She was barely protesting.
“I know you’re a fake, so tell me what temple do you belong to?” I asked her snarling. She bared her teeth, started howling and pushing against me. I shoved her to the ground. A small grunt escaped her lips. I pulled out my gun and aimed it at her face. She froze.
“Oh, look at you. Not so high and mighty anymore are you?” I cooed.
“She will find you. The avenger will find you,” she whispered through clenched teeth.
“Well if she is going to find me, I might as well know who she is, mutant.” I spat.
“I’m not gonna tell ya,” she promised. I shot her in the leg. She howled in pain.
“Oh, are you going to tell me now?” The girl shook her head, tears rolling down her face. She mumbled something and then quickly brought her hand to her mouth.
“Looks like I kept my promise, eh?” she muttered, and the light went out of her eyes.

I looked at what was going on in the alley. A woman in gray had just shot a poor hybrid girl. A few moments passed and then the woman picked up the girl and slung her over her shoulder. I approached the woman and the girl.
The woman stopped. I pointed my gun at her back.
“Who are you?” I asked. I had to get the girl out of here, if she was still alive. Blood was dripping off the hybrid girl’s leg and onto the woman’s baggy gray clothes. The woman was about, medium height and slim. She looked familiar. Too familiar.
I walked around the woman and stood in front of her, my gun still trained at her head. I gasped. This woman had blonde hair that was partially hidden under her clothes, brown eyes and thin lips. This woman was Mary. Mary too looked shocked at seeing me.
“Esther it is not as it seems,” Mary pleaded.
“Who are you, Mary? Is your name even Mary?” I questioned her.
“Please just let me first get rid of this body, and I’ll talk to you,” she pleaded. I had been too late then.
“What’s your name?”
“So you lied.”
“You lied too I’ll assume.”
“I never lied, Mary.” Rey flinched at me calling her Mary.
“How are you even involved in this Esther?”
“I’m the one asking questions here Rey.” I let my claws slip out of my left hand and walked closer to her. I passed my gun from my left hand to my right hand.
“Who are you, Esther?” Rey asked me. I disarmed her. At least Rey was smart enough not to move. I slipped her weapons into my empty hidden pockets and grabbed her with my left hand from her chin. My razor sharp nails dug into her soft skin causing blood to drip down Rey’s slender neck.
“I am your enemy, Rey,” I whispered in her ear. “Maybe once your friend, but you have betrayed my trust. I hope it was worth it.”

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