Sunday, November 26, 2017

Metal Detectors

Hi everybody! So I know that usually fan fiction is something like Alexa wrote but I have been seeing a lot of things like the one you are about to see, and I have read many of them for TMI (The Mortal Instruments) , so I will be honest and say how these are not all my ideas, they came from all different kinds of places and if I were to site my sources it would be like a ten page works cited.... So of course I didn't make a works cited. I hope you enjoy this and get a good laugh at it even if you haven't read The Mortal Instruments!! Disclaimer: ALL of the characters here belong to Cassandra Clare.

Alec: *tries to go through the metal detector at airport* *metal detector beeps*
Magnus: *sees what is going on and chuckles* 
Officer: Sir (Alec) can you please remove any metal items you have in your pockets 
Alec: Okay *takes out keys from his pocket* * passes through metal detector again* *metal detector beeps* 
Magnus: Honey I think the officer means ALL metal items like your ahem weapons 
Alec: But then how am I to protect you on the airplane? 
Magnus: I think I'll be alright sweetie
Alec: Fine
Magnus (to officer): Sorry about my boyfriend he gets moody when he can't protect me with his favorite blade
Officer: *looks like he is about to feint* 
Alec: *removes 12 blades from hidden pockets and one big sword from underneath his shirt* 
Officer: ....
Alec: *passes through the metal director* *metal detector beeps again* 
Magnus: Sweetie you are holding up the line
Alec: *grumbles and removes a tiny blade from his shoe* *walks through the metal detector* *metal detector doesn't beep* 
Magnus: *walks through metal detector* *metal detector beeps* 
Officer: *gulps* How many weapons are you carrying? 
Magnus: Oh me? None but I think that putting on that metallic glitter this morning was a bad idea  

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